Tuesday, April 26

A stay-at-home day!

I (seriously) missed the buss today.
Because normally, the buss come at 07:50 - :55, but not today. It came :47 , so me and my brother wasn't at the busstop yet.
That't the reason. Sorry ^^

But to cheer you up, here's some funny pics:

The trut
This is what it looks like in the bathroom before the show.

This is a JOKE :
Question: What's the similarity between Orochimaru and a Wii?
Answer:  Little boys both turn them on. 

Read it from Left to right, from the top to the bottom.


A joke again...

Sasuke:Hey orochimaru have time for my lil joke?

Orochimaru: ye,sure

Sasuke: Knock knock!!

Orochimaru: come in!!

Sasuke: ..........

... This one is a little bit disgusting. Beware..
"Ekans, Arbok and Muk are pokemon names"!!

If "EKANS" is snake backwards ... 
(because it looks like a snake, u know?)

And Arbok is Kobra backwards 
(it's a kobra ... duh)

Then what is Muk backwards .. ?

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