Tuesday, May 31

Things that didn't happen..

So I didn't get my adapter since dad never went to the store. >.< Sorry.

There's a LOT of things I'd like to tell you!! Ah, I don't even know where to start. There's a japanese restaurant (actually a lot of them) here in Torrevieja and dad has promised me that we will go there! ^^ We are also going to go swimming in a salt lake, where the salt procent is so high that you CAN'T dive even if you try. And there's a huge waterpark that we're going to go to. And we are eating at a chinese restaurant today as well. The same as last time.
I'm trying to decide whether I'm going to start learning spanish or not, because the language is actually really cool! And Simona (dad's friend) says that it's not that hard to learn. And if I could learn it, it would be great because Spanish is a really big language (after english) and it is spoken in a lot of countries. Then I'd be native in Swedish and probably english as well, have finnish on the side and be strong in both japanese and spanish. I know I'm not speaking good right now (not speaking at all >.<) but if I start to learn and really wants to then why not?

For the time being I'm not able to post any pictures. Sorry 'bout that. But here's a funny video I found. Only those who knows about pokemon and have heard the famous theme song (pokemon, gotta catch 'em all.. I know it's my destiny etc.) can really get it though. ^^

Monday, May 30


So, this is our third day here in Spain.
It feels pretty weird, but at the same time I'm really happy ^^ I hope the time will go really slow.

So TODAY I might get my adapter so I can start showing you videos and other stuff. Maybe. I don't know if I'll get it. They might not have it.

I don't have a lot to say.. Yesterday we went to the .. tivoli. I don't know what it is in english. Kind of like a festival with a lot of people selling stuff and you can try to win a lotof things. I didn't do anything there because I didn't have any money with me. ^^

See ya. It's gonna be funnier to read this blog soon. I promise.

Saturday, May 28

China food! ^^

We (Me, my brother, dad and Simona) went to eat Chinese at a restaurant my dad often visits. 
As you know, I can't provide you with any pictures but it's gonna come next monday. I promise. x)

So, right now I'm so damn full I can't even move properly so I'm going to stay inside for a couple of hours and after that, we might go outside again. Hehe ^^ The nightlife is so much bigger here than in Finland. It's totally normal for people to eat their dinner at 9-11 o'clock (that's actually what most of them do). 

This is the problem. 
I have one exactly like this at home. At home. In Finland. That's the problem.

Shopping ^^

I just got home from Habarenas , which is probably the biggest mall in Torreviejja.
I only bought 2 tops, because it's the first day and I need to save some money for the rest of the vacation ^^
I forgot to bring my adapter, which means I can't post any videos or pics from my phone on the blog. I don't have a camera either, so you just need to wait until I've bought a new adapter. Probably some day during next week (maybe monday, cuz dad is going to the electric store that day anyway).

Still, here's a (bad) picture of one of the tops.
From Urban - 9,99€. Cheap and cute <3

It's much cuter in reality >.< Believe me. it looks weird on the picture. I PROMISE I'll give you a better pic later on when I get my adapter.


Yesterday was thee day! We had a 6 hour long flight and then we arrived in Spain!
I'm really happy.

As for the reason I haven't been updating for the last few days is because my idiot to ex-stepdad turned off the internet. But now when I'm at dad's, I promise I'll update a lot more!! :D

I don't have time to write so much right now. I'm going to take a lot of pictures, but how I'll get them into my computer is another thing.. OO" I'm gonna see if I can make it work!

Thursday, May 19

1 + 1 = 3

I have a math test tomorrow, so I won't be able to update anymore today ^^

We ate pizza today because mom was to lazy to make some real food, and I think they put drugs in the ananas or something .. I only ate half of a pizza, and I only made it up to my computer when my head started spinning and I became SO tired I had to go to sleep. I slept for over 2-3 hours.

Yeah.. Have a nice time! ^^

Tatami wood floor, futon and..

Yeah. That's what my room is supposed to have. Not my real room, but the room I'm supposed to plan on todays two first lessons. Greaat. I don't like to do this kind of thing, because it's a waste of time. But I get to make my room in my favorite theme - Japan. ^^

I love this bed.
Don't you think it's really cool? ^^

Wednesday, May 18

Another one of my manga drawings

What do you think about this drawing? ^^

Believe it or not, but only 5 % of this is "copied" from another picture. I had a picture of "Mio" from K-ON and she was standing in a nice pose holding a mic. I copied the shoulder thing, so that the pose became cute. If I wouldn't have done that, she would have had a pose similar to Mona Lisa. (>.< Not cute!!)
So, to make things easy: The pose (supposed-to-be-looking-over-left-shoulder-pose but it failed.) is the only thing that's not originally MY idea. I didn't copy hair, eyes, facial expression or shirt at all. Actually, the pose failed a bit. She's just raising her shoulder a bit. But still...

Made sometime during the winter 2010

Seriously, this is the best one I've ever made (my personal opinion). So even if you don't like it, just smile and nodd and make me feel like I'm really good! ^^ 
Didn't I colour it beautifully? xD

I wanna be on TV!

One of the best AMV's ever. Really.

Spain in 9 days!

In only 9 days, I'll be sitting on a plane halfway to Spain by this time.

I don't have anything to write about, so I thought I'd explain it a little. May 27th, the day we go the Spain, me and my brother will not attend school. Instead, we will be at home packing and making sure everything is with us and that we have the rest of our stuff in boxes. (Because we are gonna move this summer)

Our grandpa (moms dad) will come and pick us up at 1/half past 1 that day. He will drive us to the airport where we will check in. After that, nobody can come with us that doesn't have a ticket. We will have a woman/man with us that is working at the plain and he/she will guide us to our plane so that we doesn't miss it. The plane will leave the airport half pas 2, if I remember correctly.

The flight will take 6 hours and we are landing in Alicante Airport. I've made this flight once before, but that time I had my dad with me. After landing, we will go to get our bagage and after that, we check out and dad is there to meet us. He has to show an ID-card to the people at the airport to confirm that he really is our dad. Otherwise, he won't be able to take us with him home. ^^

Let's go! Remember the date - May 27th!
(This is obviously not Alicante Airport.) 

Monday, May 16

Good night + some things I forgot to mention

I just though I'd say good night to all of you who doesn't have anything better to do and therefore are reading this blog...

Oh, and I forgot to mention. Finland won the world championship in icehockey. That's... good, I guess. I don't really have any interest in that sport, so for me, it really doesn't matter if we won or if we lost.
And Finland also got 21st place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. We participated with "Paradise Oscar" and his song "Da da dam" which was a bit booring. It was all "I'm gonna save the world because I'm 9 years old and my teacher told me I should do so"-kind of style. Don't bother listening to it ^^

So here's Paradise Oscar. 
I always thought he was cute.. I don't think so anymore. He's like.. a farmer. With sheeps, u know ^^

And just because I know people find this SOOO interesting...
.. a picture of (some of) the Finnish hockey team. I do not understand what's so important.. but, here u go.

I'll be updating a LOT MORE when it's time for the soccer Europe championship!
Soccer is my sport. And Spain is my country. They are the neverlosing champions. Cheer for them!!

Tests, tests and more tests


I still won't be able to update. I know I've been extremely lazy with writing updates on the blog, but honestly, this time it's not because of me.
I have a french test coming up tomorrow, and a chemistry test. I have biology test on wednesday and math test on friday. This week is totally crazy and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it. I'm gonna fail the chemistry, I promise!

I think I get this one.

This one isn't about the subject.. but it's a pretty funny pic xD

I'll hire one of those if you don't follow me on twitter! OO" xD No, kidding.

Saturday, May 14

Doing absolutely nothing

So far, my weekend isn't the best one. 
I have to practise for my chemisty test and I have to practise for my biology test. It sucks..
I'm also preparing to turn my planned future upsidedown since it might not go according to my plans. I'm still not sure about what I should do cuz I really, really, really wanna go to the Internationella kunskapsgymnasiet in Sweden. I have my mom against me (though I think she will let me go if I really want to) and my grandparents just thinks I'm dreaming. But I'm totally serious about this and I'll probably get there one way or another. 

I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get there unless I knew that if I don't get to Sweden now, I'll never be going. I'm the type of person who hesitates way to much, so I really will have to go NOW or never. It's a choice between those two, and I think I prefer the first option. '

I would have been SO much more interested if my  teacher showed me this pic when we
was talking about the "food pyramid". 
Don't you all agree? (not only referring to the cute L on the side..)

Thursday, May 12

Follow me on twitter!

I'm slowly upgrading here ;) Follow me on twitter!

This is the link to my twitter page.

Hope you will enjoy.. kinda ^^ The main reason for me getting twitter is because the people I want to talk to (from Asia) doesn't have facebook. Twitter is more common to them, so I have to have it as well if I want to talk to them ;)

So, see you around!
Join twitter if you're not there, alright? ^^
You have this much bigger chance to get to know an asian person: |_________________|

Searching ..

Sorry for not updating for a while!!

I've been looking at some schools that I (and my friend since I'm dragging her along) could go to after finnishing grade 9.
(Look at this site, btw. It's schools in Sweden that have japanese as a subject. It's universities though...)

Right now, I don't know what to choose. I want a high school (if you call the school I'm currently attending junior high school...) that helps its students to prepare for studies in other countries and so on. 

Aqua Princess Cute Anime

Tuesday, May 10

Next school ...

I've been looking at a few schools in Sweden for a couple of hours now, but I've only found about 1/2 that are worth concidering.

(Dude, visit this site: THIS SITE.)

I asked my mom what she would say about me studying in another country .. but she didn't really give any clear response. I think she doesn't like it, but if it's for my future, then I don't really give a damn.

I gotta keep thinking though..

Sunday, May 8

Tennis no Ouji-sama

"Prince of tennis" is my latest obsession ;)
It seems like sports/tournament animes are really my taste, so that's what I'm looking at right now. I think I really like those kick ass persons who can ride 180 km on a bicycle in 6 hours, or beat a super-good tennis player REALLY easily even though you're 12 years old and are using the wrong hand.

Hehe ;D
prince of tennis, prince of tennis pictures, prince of tennis anime, the prince of tennis

And to answer a question I got
What I'm supposted to do when writing about what we sang or draw a picture?
    - Seriously ... sometimes I wonder if you know me at all. You spend about 6 hours with me 5 days/week and you still haven't noticed that my imagination is way beyond everybody elses? Maybe you are at the same level, I won't question that (for my own sake xD) But seriously Oo' I'll just say it was an ordinary swedish church since they DO have those in the city I'm going to be living in. I visited one last time I was there. And for the drawing part .. back to my imagination. I'll just draw a pic of some weird stuff ^^

No priest her ..

Seriously. My headlines just keeps getting better.

No, but I was supposed to go to the church today and guess what? The church had disappeared... Okay, maybe not exactly. But the priest had, so I couldn't go. I'm never gonna be able to get married in a church, okay!?

But.. I'm going to spain. mwahaha... I can easily make my dad fake them for me!! ^^

Good morning!

Saturday, May 7

I want I want I want

Okay, so I was looking at these wonderful sailor uniforms yesterday. The ones they have in Japan, you know?
And I found one that I really, really, really liked, so I asked my mom to buy it for me and I'd pay her later.
She said yes, and started doing the whole payment-thing on the computer. I was SOOO HAPPY I thought that I'd die. Then she said "Hey, sorry. I don't remember my password for my e-mail and you need to fill it in here. Sorry".

So thanks to her idiotic, completely useless memory, my friday night was ruined and apparently I didn't even have the right to be mad at her. This sucks .. For once, I found something I really wanted. For once I asked her to buy me something. I don't usually do that. But this one time, and she won't even give it to me even though I'M the one paying for it.

That's what you get for trying to be concidering of others.

Really... is it that hard to click "forgot password?"
Solution: NO IT'S NOT!! You're just jealous...

Friday, May 6

Understanding teenage girls ...

Charlie .. you don't know what you've gotten yourself into.

Yeah... Seriously. The last question is just epic. "What are the top three things that goes through your head on a daily basis"

Top 3 things that (apparently) goes through the head of a teenage girls.
Why do I smell like pickles?
How can I make that into a doctor who reference? (Don't know if I got it right, don't hear exactly what he says..)
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

How can I fit into that dryer?

Seriously, Charlie. I don't know what kind of girls you asked .. but yeah. That's NOT what goes through my head. It's more like.. "what would a reindeer look like dressed in a princessdress, playing Nintendo Mario and eating a sandwich". "Which are the best gay couples in Naruto?", "What should I do to celebrate Taemin's birthday (Shinee youngest member)" ?

Thursday, May 5

It's working ~

I'm really happy now .. feeling good you know? ^^
Like.. 20 minutes ago, I got this feeling that "I wanna be an agent". Like, top agent. 007. That kind of secret (TOP Secret) agent. So I took my dog, a little bit dog candy and then I started to sneak around the house pretending nobody knew I was there. And I got my dog to sit, lay down and so on thanks to the candy ;D

Yeah... he needed to go to the toilet. 
Wait.. what?

Wednesday, May 4

Another computer

I have another computer (not only this small one) but I haven't used it for like 2 years? 
It's actually a really good one, in my opinion, so I thought that I would try to make it work again. It has a lot of viruses so I have to "clean" it pretty much! 

Tuesday, May 3

3 and ½ week!

It's only 3 and a half week until we go to Spain!!

I really can't believe it. 3 weeks! Omg.. I'm getting nervous here ;) Still, it's going to be soo amazing. My dad just called me from Torreviejja and said that he was sitting on a chinese restaurant >.< I'm jealous

My dad's appartement is somewhere around this area ^^ You can't see the building
since it's 100 m from the ocean, but still ;)

Monday, May 2

Three Friends

I was looking at some great AMV's a couple of hours ago, and this is one I found:

It's a really great AMV in my opinion ^^ I love the song, it's just stuck in my head now ...

I'm Baack!

I'm really, really sorry for not updating these last few days!
I've been busy with a lot of things. For example, studying japanese! I'm trying to learn all the hiragana signs (ひらがな) for example. I'm almost done, I have about 20 signs left to learn, and I already know like .. 35? Dunno really...
I also found out that my computer can write japanese! Oh my god, I'm soo happy ^^ It was me who wrote the hiragana above! *proud*

Have a nice day!