Saturday, May 14

Doing absolutely nothing

So far, my weekend isn't the best one. 
I have to practise for my chemisty test and I have to practise for my biology test. It sucks..
I'm also preparing to turn my planned future upsidedown since it might not go according to my plans. I'm still not sure about what I should do cuz I really, really, really wanna go to the Internationella kunskapsgymnasiet in Sweden. I have my mom against me (though I think she will let me go if I really want to) and my grandparents just thinks I'm dreaming. But I'm totally serious about this and I'll probably get there one way or another. 

I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get there unless I knew that if I don't get to Sweden now, I'll never be going. I'm the type of person who hesitates way to much, so I really will have to go NOW or never. It's a choice between those two, and I think I prefer the first option. '

I would have been SO much more interested if my  teacher showed me this pic when we
was talking about the "food pyramid". 
Don't you all agree? (not only referring to the cute L on the side..)

1 comment:

Katarina said...

I can't see the pic -.-