Wednesday, April 13

Theme day ..

I don't know if I translated it correctly. In swedish, it's "Tema-dag".

Anyway. This so called "Theme day" is a day that we usually have once or twice every 2nd month. (correct me if I'm wrong)
It's usually about bullying, or recycling or something else healthy that's good for your spirit! But nobody really likes these days. They're boring.
But today was pretty fun. I got to make a monster (rather, a white ball of fur with a ribbon and pink feet = cute!) and later on I got to make my own .. box. xD It was pretty interesting. I got glue on my fingers, fur (the material I used to make the furball was really .. furry *lol*) on my pants and we even found out that "AKON - I just had sex" is the most popular song in my class. Greeaaat .. ~

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