Tuesday, March 1

Test week

We don't have a test week in Junior High School. Sometimes I wish we had, but sadly we don't. So the teachers just decide on a date and tell the students so that they can get ready.

But this week (and next one) is just like these so called test weeks. We have finnish test, swedish test and the deadline to one of our religion projects to worry about this week, and english test, chemisty test and geography test next week!

Sounds fun, huh? Tomorrow's the day when I'm having my finnish test, and this is the subject I really, really suck at. Well, there's going to be 2 tests, and this one is just "words" so it shouldn't be so hard ^^ Wish me luck!

(This is by the way the reason why I'm not going to be over the top active this two weeks..)

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