Friday, May 6

Understanding teenage girls ...

Charlie .. you don't know what you've gotten yourself into.

Yeah... Seriously. The last question is just epic. "What are the top three things that goes through your head on a daily basis"

Top 3 things that (apparently) goes through the head of a teenage girls.
Why do I smell like pickles?
How can I make that into a doctor who reference? (Don't know if I got it right, don't hear exactly what he says..)
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

How can I fit into that dryer?

Seriously, Charlie. I don't know what kind of girls you asked .. but yeah. That's NOT what goes through my head. It's more like.. "what would a reindeer look like dressed in a princessdress, playing Nintendo Mario and eating a sandwich". "Which are the best gay couples in Naruto?", "What should I do to celebrate Taemin's birthday (Shinee youngest member)" ?

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