Tuesday, June 21

I think I know what to do know! :'3

Those of you who already have a job .. no, I think all of you who read this, can remember having, or are having right now, the insecure feeling of not knowing what to do when finnishing school.

You know when you're little, it's so easy. You want to be a police, because they are so cool, or you want to be a chef because you love your moms cooking. But while growing up, those dreams all disappear somewhere along the way leaving us without any clue at all. I've been through that phase a lot of times, I think I repeated it about 1.000 times before having at least a little idea about what I would like to work with. I won't say that I'm out of it yet, but I think I've found something I really wish to become. At least I'm going to try to hold on to this one!

An editor! It's a stressful work with a lot of things to do, but when I think about it.. I feel like I really want to work hard for this! :) I love manga, and as an editor I would be able to work with that if I wish to do so. Of course it'll probably be a hell at times when studying to it etc. but even so, I'd like to give it a try.
I still have many years left before I can choose what I'd like to become, but at least it's good to have that dream ready?

So, after finnishing 2 years of language-studying in Japan, I'll be going straight to some university? ;D Who knows...

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