Wednesday, August 17

Get in shape - progressing ...

Whaa - konnichiwa all little wheezeballs and fuzzythings ;D<3

So, for today I've decided to TRY to get in shape by doing these things: (whaa so long since I got to use the fuzzy black things below ^^)

  • No candy. No sugar. No. No. No. That means - no candy. xD I will not eat anything sweet, nor drink any kind of cola, 7up, fanta etc. Nothing.
    Good thing: you loose weight AND it only takes about 2/3 weeks of "not eating" what you are addicted to (chocolate, for example) and you will stop feeling the need to eat it. You will still like it, but it won't be like "I have to have it". You'll be able to think "njaah, don't need to". ^^
  • Run devil devil devil run. *nanana*  Yeah, to the point. Start jogging. ^^ Not that hard. Like 30 minutes 5 times a week. ^^
  • Eat less. 
  • And other things. Under this category falls things like pushups, situps, walking more than usual, etc. 
Actually, I decided this with Yuu .. 2 days ago. *goldfish memory - REAPPEAR!*
But like .. my motivation went all BOOOOM today and I'm going all mjaaawww.. err.. I'm hyped. Easy said.

Btw, if you now some assain or something that would be willing to "get rid" of a certain new bitch-teacher, tell me ^^ Praying to a king-of-mass-murder - god didn't work, so I'm trying the oh-so-powerful internet instead ;)

Thanks ^^


Katarina said...

It's not good to eat less, because it will make your digestion go all dizzy and make it slower. D: If you're eating normally, that is.

Why was I struck by that chocolate-thing? >3<

Vicky said...

So true, the smallest changes in your diet and way to just move can make wonders.

Your blog is adorable btw!